Canonbury Yard
A roof extension providing two new residential units to a mixed-used building located in Canonbury, London. The existing building forms part of a historic yard comprising of 4 former warehouse buildings and now occupied by 100+ creative studios, workspaces as well as apartments.
The scheme has been designed to Passivhaus standards: with highly insulated external envelope, mechanical ventilation with heath recovery, high-quality triple glazing and projecting canopies which will limit unwanted solar gains in summer, creating a comfortable environment all year round. Renewable energy sources provide all the hot water and space heating requirements, with air-source heat pumps and PV panels located on the green roof.
The new walls and roof are of timber infill steel construction to enable the existing foundations, masonry walls and cast iron columns and masonry walls to carry the increased loading.
Location: Islington, London
Year: To be completed in 2024/5